The Missoula Babywearing Library, founded in 2016 by a few local moms, is a non- profit baby/toddler carrier lending library which has shifted gears a lot over the past few years. While we are not meeting in-person anymore, we are still functioning and happily renting carriers to parents in the Missoula community! We have a drop-off/ pick-up site where the paperwork and carrier swap happens on an individual basis. Please reach out to me through our Facebook page or by email at [email protected] to request a carrier to rent. Describe your child’s age and pants size, where you plan to babywear most, and if there is a certain type of carrier you’re interested in trying.
There are photo albums in our Facebook group page where you can view the carriers, comment about their availability status, and view information on how to properly use the carrier.
If you decide to rent a carrier, payment will be arranged via Venmo or cash and a time will be scheduled for you to pick up your carrier and complete library paperwork. For those who would like more guidance on their carrier than the videos provided, I will be available to schedule a meeting via Zoom/ FaceTime.
We require a $50 deposit to rent a carrier (preferably a check which will be shredded when the carrier is returned.) The cost for a one-time, one month carrier rental is $10. But for $30 a year you can become a member of the library and check out a different carrier every month for the entire year (as long as we have something available that fits your needs.) In the instance the carrier you have rented is not needed by another family the following month, we will allow members to keep the same carrier for consecutive months.